Square Miles to Square Kilometres Conversion
These conversions are useful when comparing the values of land between the countries using the different systems of measurement. Square miles is often abbreviated to sq mi or mi2 and square kilometres to sq km or km2.
The conversion tables offer a quick lookup to convert miles to kilometres for commonly sought values or you can use our quick converter utility, above, by typing the number of square miles or square kilometres into the appropriate box.
Square Miles to Square Kilometres Conversion Tables
Square Kilometres to Square Miles Conversion Tables
Conversion Formulae
Square Miles to Square Kilometres Conversion Formula
The conversion formula for miles to kilometres is derived from the conversion formula for miles to kilometres:
1 mile = 1.609344 kilometres
Thus taking the square of each side of the miles to kilometres conversion gives:
1 square mile = 2.589988110 square kilometres
Square Kilometres to Square Miles Conversion Formula
The conversion formula for square kilometres to square miles is just the reciprocal of the square miles to square kilometres formula:
1 square kilometre = 0.386102159 square miles
Countries Using Square Miles
The United States, Liberia, Myanmar and the United Kingdom all use square miles as measurements.